Commsor acquired Altr (renamed Mithril). A community analytics and deep insights tool. As a team, we were to expand Mithril to include Analytics, Gateway and Portal.
It is noteworthy that Commsor already had a strong brand and a style guide, which we were to build upon. My work involved creating components, defining breakpoints, tokens, and so on.
The creation of this design system led to a 20% increase in development speed, improved product consistency, and increased overall team productivity.
Designer - Design system
Cole Zerr - Product Manager
Erik Rosemberg - Lead Engineer
Will Depue - Engineer
Dexter Molina - Engineer
Santi Arredondo- Engineer
Naren Gaurav - Community & BD
Our design follows these principles to create a consistent and delightful experience for users and stakeholders.
future proof
The goal was to build a design system that could grow and evolve over time, adapting to the changing needs of the Mithril product. Hence the organizational structure of our design system.
This guarantees that the system meets the needs of the entire team and that the opinions of designers, developers, and other stakeholders are taken into account.
Consistency between design elements across the product suite was key to building trust. Harmony also ensures consistency between code and design.
We split the design system into two parts. A core library and a product library. The core library stored shared components used across different product modules. These components included design atoms like buttons and pills, as well as higher-level elements like the side navigation and topbar. Product-specific libraries housed components that were specific to a product. This approach allowed for ease of maintenance and scalability.
Mithril design system organizational chart
Design tokens make UI elements easy to manage and update. Our tokens included color, type, spacing, corner radius, and shadows.
To make our color tokens easier to manage, we divided them into core colors (Hex values), option tokens, and decision tokens. We didn't include the component level.
Adopting a 12-column grid, the navbar had a fixed width of 248px. The content area stretches up to a maximum width of 1440px. When your screen is smaller than 1280px, the navbar collapses and gives more space to the content. During this project, we did not consider mobile screens.
Grid anatomy
Simulating reponsiveness
Our documentation defined the components and design elements. We considered the component's structure, properties, usage rules, and behavior.
When accessibility is a priority, a product can provide a user experience that includes more people. For color contrast, we aimed for a contrast ratio of at least 4:5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. We also considered our tech stack to ensure compatibility with assistive technologies.
1. Design systems are always a work in progress, so long as the product keeps changing. We still have a lot of work to do to make the Mithril design system standard, as there are gaps in our documentation, non-inclusion of content guidelines, governance, and so on.
2. Besides color contrast, you can make your SaaS web application more accessible by adding keyboard shortcuts.